When people ask me if I’m pro-business or pro-labor, I say I’m neither: I’m pro-freedom.
Freedom is the only political principle that cannot be bent to serve special interests. Remember how 7-Up used to call itself the un-cola? Well, freedom is the un-special interest.
Freedom, protected by the Constitution and the rule of law, works for everyone. It allows everyone — left or right, young or old, rich or poor — to make their own choices according to their own values.
Government’s job shouldn’t be to tilt the field for one team or another, but to guarantee a level playing for everyone.
That’s why I’m against forcing workers to join unions, congressional earmarks for favored groups, government bailouts of Wall Street, and energy subsidies — both for oil companies and for green energy.
Freedom isn’t perfect, but it is fair. And any time government hands out favors, they’ll be unfair to someone.
When Washington picks winners and losers, in the end taxpayers always lose, and Ex-Im is no exception.
We have the highest corporate tax rate in the world, so let’s cut taxes. Let’s reform our insane, $1.75 trillion-per-year regulatory state. Let’s reform education to liberate kids from failing schools and create a better-prepared workforce for the future. Let’s repeal the government takeover of health care, and put an end to predatory lawsuits filed against innocent businesses.
In short, let’s fix the rules of our game to make all our exports competitive rather than rigging them for one company or product at a time.
Our policies should make the United States the best place in the world to buy, sell, farm, manufacture, patent, invent, invest, innovate and educate — for everyone in every industry.
Look at what today’s ad-hoc economic policymaking has done to America — where a collection of narrow special interests vie for the favoritism of discredited politicians while we mount unsustainable debt onto the backs our children and grandchildren.
That is what I’m against. What I’m for is a level playing field, a clear set of rules that guarantee the freedom of entrepreneurs to make and sell what they want and the freedom of consumers to buy what they want.
I’m not for big business or big labor. I’m for big freedom, for everyone.