Some Alternative

Doug Stafford of the National Right to Work Committee lays Big Labor's strategy to ram the Card Check Forced Unionism bill down the throats of the American people: Now that Al Franken is the new Senator from Minnesota, giving the Democrats enough votes to break a filibuster, opponents of the Orwellian-named “Employee Free Choice Act” have been wondering what Big Labor will do.  “EFCA” leads to more forced unionism and since the Democrats have found new strength, it’s more than likely that they’ll try to jam the bill through Congress this fall despite the growing, nation-wide opposition to it.  If the card check bill as written were to pass, workers would lose their right to secret ballot elections when union organizers target their workplaces.

Listen for the Whistle

Reid to Railroad Forced Unionism Bill Through the Senate -- ?  Roll Call newspaper (subscription required) is reporting Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) is "sketching a process for railroading the bill [Card Check Forced Unionism Bill] through the floor as quickly as possible to prevent Republicans from rallying a major campaign against it, senior Democratic aides said."   The scheme would require a deal cut with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the union bosses and even a group of holdout Democrat Senators including Pryor and Lincoln: Sen. Tom Harkin (D-Iowa) has been working for months to put together a deal on “card check” legislation, which would make it easier for workers to unionize. Democrats had originally hoped to move a bill that would include not only that language changing how workers vote to join a union but also a provision requiring workers and employers to submit to binding federal arbitration to settle labor disagreements.