Biden NLRB Counsel Rewrites Labor-Law History
After being confirmed in a razor-tight U.S. Senate vote as GC for the powerful NLRB, Jennifer Abruzzo made her agenda plain to all.
After being confirmed in a razor-tight U.S. Senate vote as GC for the powerful NLRB, Jennifer Abruzzo made her agenda plain to all.
President Biden flatly rejects the long-standing consensus that secret-ballot elections are, with few if any exceptions, far superior to “card checks”
Top officials of [...] unions have repeatedly tried to [...] effectively deny workers the opportunity to vote in secret-ballot elections...
NLRB General Counsel Jennifer Abruzzo wanted to reinstate the 1949 Joy Silk ruling, forcing "card checks" on employees.
Biden NLRB seeks to overturn vote of Red Rock Casino workers against Unite Here
Appellate panel’s November decision in case signaled desire to revisit precedent that subjects workers to unwanted unionization
Here is a brief overview of the November/December National Right to Work Newsletter: Biden NLRB Plots Lawless War on Workers: Union Officials Applaud Top Board Lawyer’s ‘Card Check’ Scheme Worker Freedom at Stake in Virginia Elections:…
Jennifer Abruzzo openly intends to impose potentially stiff penalties on employers simply because they want a secret-ballot vote.
Decertification vote finally scheduled at Gompers Preparatory Academy after nearly two years of union-created legal delays stalled teachers' petition.