Can Big Labor Protect Its Puppet President?
By far the biggest beneficiaries of the ARP were union bosses, especially government union bosses, and their allied politicians.
By far the biggest beneficiaries of the ARP were union bosses, especially government union bosses, and their allied politicians.
The 22 states that already had Right to Work laws on the books in 2011 enjoyed overall household employment growth of 13.2% over the next 10 years.
Since majorities in both chambers of the Colorado Legislature were elected with Big Labor’s assistance, preventing this measure from reaching Gov. Polis’ desk won’t be easy...
Mr. Weil can be expected to reclassify, by bureaucratic fiat, millions of independent contractors as “employees.”
More than 95% of the 10.9 million participants in MEPP schemes are in plans that are less than 60% funded...
These reports address indictments, charges, convictions, and other criminal-enforcement actions related to alleged and proven illegal activity by union officials and their hired hands.
“And since volunteer fire departments typically require the active involvement of at least a couple of skilled professional firefighters to function effectively, the IAFF hierarchy’s rabid hostility puts their very existence in jeopardy.”
President Biden’s Build Back Big Labor Bill could soon impose stiff penalties on employers simply because they insist their employees get a secret-ballot vote before they are corralled into a union.
Union-dominated states indicate even fewer kids will attend schools raking in COVID-19 relief money this year than in 2020-21.