Case Closed: Nurse Prevails in 11-Year Legal Fight Over Forced Dues
Jeanette Geary and 99 other Rhode Island hospital employees win refund of dues illegally seized for union lobbying
Jeanette Geary and 99 other Rhode Island hospital employees win refund of dues illegally seized for union lobbying
The First Circuit has rejected UNAP's appeal toward the lawsuit filed by Rhode Island nurse Jeanette Geary. This helps guarantee workers' rights!
Thanks to Communications Workers of America v. Beck, Rhode Island nurses won a case against UNAP, allowing them freedom to not pay dues.
In non-right-to-work states the total population of people in their peak-earning-years fell over the past decade from 44.20 million to 40.93 million.
‘If You Quit the Union, You’ll Lose Your Job’ Grocery Worker Whom Union Boss Threatened Files NLRB Complaint Early in the afternoon on Thursday, April 11, top bosses of five subsidiaries of the mammoth United Food & Commercial Workers union…
Finally, the Trump NLRB Boardmembers end the 9-year delay of justice for Rhode Island nurse Jeanette Geary; and issue a sweeping decision that brings congruency to board decisions and several past Supreme Court opinions — Unions Violate Employees’ Rights…
Taxpayers Suffer Dearly, But Most Public Servants Benefit Little (Click here to download the July 2014 National Right to Work Committee Newsletter)…
(Source: March 2011 NRTWC Newsletter) Millions Have 'Voted With Their Feet' For Better Opportunities For a combination of reasons, nationwide the number of young adults aged 25-34 is growing far more slowly than is the number of Americans aged 55 and older. In 1999, according to the U.S. Census Bureau, there were 37.94 million people aged 25-34 living in the U.S. By 2009, there were 41.57 million people nationwide in that age bracket. That's a 9.6% increase. Over the same decade, the number of Americans aged 55 and older soared from 57.93 million to 74.36 million, a whopping 28.4% increase! The nationwide decline in young employees' population share, relative to that of Americans nearing or in their retirement years, is obviously an impediment to economic growth. Eleven Non-Right to Work States Suffered Young-Adult Population Declines
Rhode Island State Rep. Joe Trillo (R-Warwick) has introduced legislation to make Rhode Island a Right to Work state. It’s an uphill fight but Trillo has gotten the ball rolling.