Foundation Assists Workers in Kicking Out Unwanted Union Bosses
Workers in three different states recently waged successful campaigns to remove the union bosses who controlled their workplaces.
Workers in three different states recently waged successful campaigns to remove the union bosses who controlled their workplaces.
SEIU is suing the Board, including Prouty and Wilcox, seeking to overrule NLRB precedent regarding the “joint employer” standard.
Two California Workers and two Oregon workers are taking a stand against compulsory unionism and asking the Supreme Court to refund dues that have been involuntarily taken from them over the years. The first case was filed in 2018 by…
Learn what the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation is doing to help protect Medicaid funds from being abused by Union bosses.
Under unconstitutional ‘escape period’ scheme, healthcare worker paid union dues for months despite resigning SEIU membership
One of the Biden NLRB nominees getting the Senate nod is David Prouty. [...] The other is Gwynne Wilcox, ,a radical union lawyer.
In a recent vote, the workers voted the SEIU out with a not-so-shocking win of 39-13. This means the union will be decertified, freeing up to 64 hospital staff members.
New Hampshire workers Patrick Doughty and Randy Severance's Supreme Court case seeking a refund after being forced to pay union dues has been fully briefed.
New Hampshire SEIU bosses seized dues from workers’ paychecks for years despite High Court warning that such seizures would face constitutional scrutiny.