Big Labor-Big Government Collusion in Virginia
Union Bigwigs Grab Control Over K-12 Employees in Fairfax County
UAW wrote a list of principles. While the list included the “right to join a join;” it failed to mention the right to choose not to join a union— a right that 80% of Americans and union members agree workers should have. Fortunately for workers at the BMW plant pictured above and at many other foreign automakers’ U.S. factories, they are located in Right to Work states like South Carolina where employees cannot be forced to pay union dues or fees as a condition of getting or keeping a job.
Union Bigwigs Grab Control Over K-12 Employees in Fairfax County
Right To Work President Mark Mix on OAN: Kamala Harris Would End 'Right to Work' Laws in Every State
Big Labor abuse of worker pension and benefit funds as a means of advancing union bosses’ self-aggrandizing policy objectives is a familiar phenomenon.