With Election Day a few weeks away, the union bosses are throwing everything but the kitchen sink into the campaign with the goal of electing enough pro-Big Labor Democrats to fire up their new power tool — the Card Check Scam Bill.
With Pennsylvania being ground zero in the campaign for the presidency, the Philadelphia Inquirer takes a look behind the billion-dollar campaign to elect a President and Congress that will do Big Labor’s bidding.
Barry Fields is a union president and watches the financial collapse as closely as the next guy. But he also is one of 250,000 union campaign volunteers, backed by hundreds of millions of dollars in financing, and his concerns don’t end with the economy.
Beyond the presidential race, unions are pushing hard for candidates – especially for the U.S. Senate – who have pledged to support the Employee Free Choice Act, federal legislation that would make it easier for unions to represent workers and negotiate contracts.
“As far as political legislation, it’s labor’s No. 1 issue,” said Fields, president of Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers, and Grain Millers International Union Local 6 in Philadelphia.
Of course it is. The bill will force unionization of millions of Americans through pressure and coercion tactics well known among rank-and-file workers.
Eliminating secret ballot elections deprives workers of a basic right, but if elections stand in the way of new power and members, the union bosses and their lackeys in Congress will have no problem doing away with them.