Mark Mix Joins Steve Gruber to Discuss the Many Threats to Worker Freedom this Election Cycle
Mark Mix Joins Steve Gruber to Discuss the Many Threats to Worker Freedom this Election Cycle NRTW Home »…
As Big Labor seeks to recall Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker, they are running into a big road block that is hindering their efforts — Walker’s reforms are working saving taxpayers millions of dollars.
City Journal looks at the success of the Walker reforms that should be a model for other states looking to balance their budgets: “The truth, however, is that the reforms not only are saving money already; they’re doing so with little disruption to services. In early August, noticing the trend, the Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reported that Milwaukee would save more in health-care and pension costs than it would lose in state aid, leaving the city $11 million ahead in 2012—despite Mayor Tom Barrett’s prediction in March that Walker’s budget ‘makes our structural deficit explode.'”
That is just one example. Well worth the read.
Mark Mix Joins Steve Gruber to Discuss the Many Threats to Worker Freedom this Election Cycle NRTW Home »…
Biden/Harris Boxes Out Union-Free Hardhats From Public Works
While occupying the RNC podium this summer as a self-styled advocate for workers, Sean O’Brien actually has a long track record of bullying workers, union or union free, who stand in his way