Big Labor Ready to Cash In

The Weekly Standard has noticed how much Big Labor plans to spend in the upcoming national elections and what they intend to buy after they finish:

The AFL-CIO is planning to spend $53.4 million on get-out-the-vote efforts during the 2008 campaign, according to the Wall Street Journal. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees is aiming for $60 million. (Both organizations budgeted only $48 million in 2004.) The top spender in the 2004 election, the Service Employees International Union (SEIU), also plans to exceed its 2004 budget of $65 million.

What are they buying? The Card Check Forced Unionism Bill is priority number one! And repeal of all 22 state Right to Work laws would be a “nice” trophy, too.

Unfortunately, according to the Standard:

Big Business isn’t as unified and often prefers concession over conflict. “Confrontation is bad for business,” one trade association lobbyist notes. “Businesses have never been effective at combating labor.”

While business has never been good at standing up to organized labor bosses, Americans who oppose forced unionism have been fighting and will continue to fight to protect workers’ rights during the threatening, dark days ahead.