Billions and Counting
The Wall Street Journal reports that big labor “spends about four times as much on politics and lobbying as generally thought.” Generally thought? …
The Wall Street Journal reports that big labor “spends about four times as much on politics and lobbying as generally thought.” Generally thought? …
According to Reuters, President Obama “is expected to raise $1 billion, which is unprecedented in U.S. politics” for his re-election campaign. Based on the National Institute of Labor Relations Research (, Big Labor has average spending $1.1…
Contributions to political action committees are voluntary by law. But when the SEIU decided to punish local affiliates that did not meet fundraising goals, they instituted a punishment. The National Right to Work Committee filed a complaint with the Federal…
Contributions to political action committees are voluntary by law. But when the SEIU decided to punish local affiliates that did not meet fundraising goals, they instituted a punishment. The National Right to Work Committee filed a complaint with the Federal…
NRTW President Mark Mix Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner (read full article, click here): Imagine the outcry if McDonalds executives demanded that franchise owners collect “voluntary” contributions totaling $25,000 for the company’s Political Action Committee (PAC) from employees at every restaurant. What if the fast food titan’s headquarters followed up with a threat - pay us, or face a $37,500 fine? Do you think this heavy-handed scheme would raise a few eyebrows at the Federal Election Commission (FEC)? Replace “McDonalds” with “SEIU” in that description and you’ve got a pretty good idea of Big Labor’s latest political fundraising strategy. To meet their ambitious fundraising targets, Service Employees International Union bosses are now threatening to fine any local affiliate that doesn’t meet its PAC contribution requirements.
NRTW President Mark Mix Op-Ed in the Washington Examiner (read full article, click here): Imagine the outcry if McDonalds executives demanded that franchise owners collect “voluntary” contributions totaling $25,000 for the company’s Political Action Committee (PAC) from employees at every restaurant. What if the fast food titan’s headquarters followed up with a threat - pay us, or face a $37,500 fine? Do you think this heavy-handed scheme would raise a few eyebrows at the Federal Election Commission (FEC)? Replace “McDonalds” with “SEIU” in that description and you’ve got a pretty good idea of Big Labor’s latest political fundraising strategy. To meet their ambitious fundraising targets, Service Employees International Union bosses are now threatening to fine any local affiliate that doesn’t meet its PAC contribution requirements.
The National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation has filed a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission (FEC) asking it to investigate charges made by two Alabama educators who discovered a union scheme to divert their money into…
The National Right to Work Foundation announced it will file a formal complaint with the Federal Election Commission, on behalf of two Alabama educators, against the National Education Association teacher union and two NEA affiliates for an illegal political fundraising…