Belling:  School Supervisor Orders Employee To Remove Pro-Gov. Walker Sign From Car

Belling: School Supervisor Orders Employee To Remove Pro-Gov. Walker Sign From Car

Mark Belling, radio talk show host (known nationally as an occasional substitute host for Rush Limbaugh), exposed political totalitarianism at Wisconsin’s Whitewater High School.  Documents show that specifically two educators, Kate Kolak, a Spanish teacher, and Deb Brigham-Schmull, an art teacher, wanted end Mary Taylor’s free speech.  Taylor’s supervisor, who ordered her to remove the Walker endorsement, is a signatory on a Recall Walker petition. Wisconsin teachers unions have been some of the most vociferous about recalling Gov. Walker; and they have not been shy about pour union dues in their campaign to recall the Governor. From Belling’s website: An open records request filed by me has produced records indicating at least two Whitewater High School employees, including the supervisor of custodians, requested that a private custodial worker be ordered to remove her pro-Scott Walker sign from her car in the school parking lot. The employee, Mary Taylor, says she was fired by her employer, Diversified Building Maintenance, for her refusal to remove her sign. Diversified acknowledges it sent Mary home and told her not to work the following day but says it would re-assign her to a different school. The company backed down after I reported on this two weeks ago. At the time, Whitewater District Administrator Eric Runez claimed no one from the school district directed Diversified to tell Mary to remove her sign.

Big Labor -- Obama's Shock Troops

Big Labor -- Obama's Shock Troops

Nolan Finley of the Detroit News argues that "Now we know how United Auto Workers President Bob King will repay Barack Obama for holding the union harmless from the Detroit automakers' bankruptcy: He'll provide the ground troops for the president's class war."  SEIU , Van Jones, and are also involved in this program. Finley continues: The Daily Caller blog says it found evidence that King and the UAW are behind the "99 Percent Spring," which aims to train and deploy 100,000 Americans for "non-violent direct action" in the months leading up to November's presidential election. The Daily Caller says files on the group's website, which have since disappeared, indicate the UAW is providing the organizational support for protests designed to support the president's narrative that America is divided into two camps — the wealthy 1 percent and the struggling 99 percent. "99 Percent Spring" will replace the Democrat's previous grassroots charade, the tainted Occupy movement, with its filthy camps and allegations of violence and rapes that gave it no chance of resonating with mainstream voters. This new movement will perpetuate the myth that Obama bears no responsibility for the economic suffering that has marked his tenure. It will foist the blame instead on wealthy individuals and big corporations, and mask the failure of the president's wealth transfer schemes, oppressive regulations and job-killing tax plans. It's a perfect way for King to pay back Obama for tossing aside established bankruptcy law and moving the UAW to the top of the pecking order when Chrysler and General Motors filed for Chapter 11.

Big Labor -- Obama's Shock Troops

Big Labor -- Obama's Shock Troops

Nolan Finley of the Detroit News argues that "Now we know how United Auto Workers President Bob King will repay Barack Obama for holding the union harmless from the Detroit automakers' bankruptcy: He'll provide the ground troops for the president's class war."  SEIU , Van Jones, and are also involved in this program. Finley continues: The Daily Caller blog says it found evidence that King and the UAW are behind the "99 Percent Spring," which aims to train and deploy 100,000 Americans for "non-violent direct action" in the months leading up to November's presidential election. The Daily Caller says files on the group's website, which have since disappeared, indicate the UAW is providing the organizational support for protests designed to support the president's narrative that America is divided into two camps — the wealthy 1 percent and the struggling 99 percent. "99 Percent Spring" will replace the Democrat's previous grassroots charade, the tainted Occupy movement, with its filthy camps and allegations of violence and rapes that gave it no chance of resonating with mainstream voters. This new movement will perpetuate the myth that Obama bears no responsibility for the economic suffering that has marked his tenure. It will foist the blame instead on wealthy individuals and big corporations, and mask the failure of the president's wealth transfer schemes, oppressive regulations and job-killing tax plans. It's a perfect way for King to pay back Obama for tossing aside established bankruptcy law and moving the UAW to the top of the pecking order when Chrysler and General Motors filed for Chapter 11.