Chicago Teachers' Union Authorize Strike, Demands a 30% Pay Hike
Once again, the teacher’s union veneer of “doing it for the children” is once again ripped off in Chicago was the teachers’ union approve a 10 day strike notice. The boss of the union, Karen Lewis, can use this to pressure the city for a better deal. The union is currently holding “informal pickets” in front of 240 Chicago public schools. (Flashback Video Chicago Teachers’ Union “Give Up The Bucks”)[stream provider=youtube flv=x:/ img=x:/ embed=false share=false width=580 height=360 dock=true controlbar=over bandwidth=high autostart=false /]
Incredibly, the union is demanding a 30% pay hike over the next two years. An arbitrator said they “deserved” at 15-20% raise but that is not enough for the union activists. No one in Illinois seems to remember it is the taxpayers that “deserve” help.