Job Growth 2 to 1 in Right to Work vs. Compulsory Unionism States


According to a senior researcher from the National Institute for Labor Relations Research’s article at CNSNews, aggregate employment growth in the 22 states that had still not adopted Right to Work legislation as of the end of last year grew by less than half the Right to Work average.

From CNSNews:

“Six states suffered employment losses of at least 1.5 percent from 2007 to 2017. Of these, five are non-Right to Work states, and one became Right to Work only in 2016. Meanwhile, seven of the top nine states for 10-year employment growth are Right to Work states.

“In addition to being correlated with faster job growth, Right to Work is also correlated with higher real disposable incomes.”

“Six of the seven states with the highest cost of living-adjusted disposable incomes per capita are Right to Work. But eight of the 10 states with the lowest cost of living-adjusted disposable incomes are forced-unionism.”