MO Gov Nixon Celebrates Right to Work Veto in Union Halls
Missouri Governor Nixon Celebrates Right to Work Veto and Continuation of Forced Union Dues with Union Bosses
Alongside UAW Union Bosses, Gov. Nixon Rejects Worker Freedom of Choice
Springfield, VA (June 4, 2015) – Mark Mix, President of the 2.8 million member National Right to Work Committee, issued the following statement in response to Missouri Governor Jay Nixon’s veto of the Missouri Right to Work Bill (HB 116):
“The hardworking men and women of the Show Me State deserve better than Governor Nixon’s veto of the Missouri Right to Work Bill. Under a Right to Work law, every Missourian would be free to join and pay dues to a union, but none could be forced to do so under the threat of losing their job.
“Today’s veto puts the Governor squarely on the side of forced unionism, and against employee free choice. Flanked by union bosses, Gov. Nixon ignored and rejected the will of an overwhelming majority of Missouri citizens who favor Right to Work, and the job creation and economic prosperity that come with Right to Work protections for employees. The National Right to Work Committee will continue to fight on behalf of every Missouri worker to end compulsory unionism once and for all.”
25 states have passed Right to Work laws that make union membership and financial support fully voluntary. Earlier this year Wisconsin became the 25th Right to Work state. Prior to that Indiana and Michigan became the 23rd and 24th Right to Work states when they passed Right to Work legislation in 2012.
In addition to protecting worker free choice, Right to Work states have consistently benefited from higher job growth, wage growth and numerous other economic advantages compared to forced unionism states. Those advantages can be seen both nationwide and among Missouri’s neighbors. From 2003 to 2013, Missouri’s Midwestern Right to Work neighbors saw 11.9% growth in total private employment, while Missouri experienced just 5%.
More statistics on the Right to Work advantage can be found at: