Glimpse of the Future for Colorado Taxpayers
Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter’s secret effort to give state workers union officials special monopoly bargaining privileges has been under attack and rightfully so.
Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter’s secret effort to give state workers union officials special monopoly bargaining privileges has been under attack and rightfully so.
Michigan citizens are now seeing and hearing former Detroit news anchor Bill Bonds, most recently known as a pitchman for personal-injury lawyer Sam Bernstein, featured in TV and radio ads for a mysterious outfit known as “Wrong for Michigan.” “Wrong…
Carl Horowitz’s recent column covers Big Labor’s recent summit meeting with union officials from a host of other countries. Led by AFL-CIO top boss John Sweeney, American union bosses are joining hands with foreign union officials to “link…
This is a man bites dog story. Congress has trouble cutting even the smallest government program, but Big Labor’s allies can cut the watch-dog agency that is designed to investigate union corruption. Robert Bluey details Congress’ efforts to gut…
Columnist George Will reminds readers about the arrogance displayed by union bosses and their congressional benefactors pushing the Card Check Scam bill: Bruce Raynor, president of the union Unite Here, expressed organized labor’s compassionate liberalism when he urged sparing…
The Constitution protects your right to associate and, by logic then, your right to disassociate. But Broome County, New York has decided to punish and discriminate against those exercising this basic right. The Birmingham, New York Press & Sun Bulletin…
The former boss of a New York area Teamsters local was arrested on Tuesday, the New York Times reports, “on charges that he forced his union members to do work for him personally, including building a new roof on his country home, squiring his daughter to her yoga class, and setting up a Christmas tree at his Manhattan apartment.”
The omnibus spending bill that is making its way through Congress increases federal spending on almost every government program except one — the Office of Labor Management Standards at the Department of Labor — the office that oversees union corruption.
According to the Detroit News, union bosses in Michigan are seeking the right to request an automatic payroll contribution from state employees — contributions that would pad the coffers of union political action committees (PACs). The proposal comes from M.