Release of new economic data from the Bureau of Economic Analysis has provided an opportunity to confirm that Right to Work states perform better that forced-unionism states, and a blog called Willismshas done just that.
After crunching numbers to see what impact labor laws have on economic growth, Willisms discovered that:
[F]rom 2004-2007, no Right to Work state grew less than 5.1%, while fifteen Forced Unionization state[s] grew below that level.
Meanwhile, while America’s GDP growth 2004-2007 . . . [was] 8.4%, Right to Work states grew by 10% on average, while Forced Unionization states grew by only 6.2% on average. The median Right to Work growth rate was 9.2%, compared to the median Forced Unionization rate of 4.9% (the national median for all states was 7.3%).”
Study after study confirms that not only is Right to Work the right moral policy it is a correct economic policy for the American people.