Mark Mix and Chris Renwick Discuss Hydra Lock Employees' Union Expulsion
Mark Mix with Chris Renwick in Michigan Discuss Hydra Lock Workers Union Decertification Case
Stephanie Myers from One America News and National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix discusses CUNY lawsuit against union.
NYC University Professors Challenge Forced Union ‘Representation’ in Lawsuit Detailing Union Anti-Semitic Speech and Actions
CUNY professors challenge New York State law that forces them to be represented by union hierarchy that ostracizes and discriminates against them
New York, NY (January 13, 2022) – Six City University of New York (CUNY) professors have filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Professional Staff Congress (PSC) union and others. The suit challenges the New York State law (“Taylor Law”) that PSC union officials use to force the professors under their monopoly “representation,” even though none of the professors are union members and all wish to dissociate completely from the union due to its extreme ideology and poor representation. The professors are receiving free legal assistance from the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and The Fairness Center.
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To see the previous interview with Mark Mix, go here.
Mark Mix with Chris Renwick in Michigan Discuss Hydra Lock Workers Union Decertification Case
Mark Mix Appears on Wisconsin’s Regular Joe Podcast to Discuss the Many Threats That Big Labor Presents to American Democracy and American Workers
Mark Mix Joins Bob Cardaro to Discuss the Threats to Worker Freedom Coming from Congress and the White House.