Ban Big Labor's Phony Employee Schemes

Ban Big Labor's Phony Employee Schemes

The House should work to pass the Truth in Employment Act (TEA) introduced today by Congressman Allen to end the destructive union organizing tactic known as ‘salting,’ a scheme that targets small businesses with harassment to pressure employers into forcing workers to accept union monopoly representation and dues payments. Salts’ are union militants who apply for jobs with the sole purpose of unionizing a workplace. They disrupt work, promote hate-the-boss propaganda, and drum up so-called ‘unfair labor practice’ charges to tie up small business owners in costly litigation.

PELOSI Wants to Muzzle Dissent, End Of Free Speech

PELOSI Wants to Muzzle Dissent, End Of Free Speech

“The clear, unconstitutional aim of H.R.1 is to curtail the free speech of ordinary citizens,” charged National Right to Work Committee Vice President Greg Mourad. “The so-called ‘DISCLOSE Act’ provisions of H.R.1 would require nonprofit, citizen-action groups like the National Right to Work Committee to meet burdensome and stifling paperwork requirements simply in order to exercise basic First Amendment rights,” explained Mr. Mourad.