Right to Work Sponsorship at All-Time High
More members of Congress than ever before are cosponsors of federal legislation to repeal forced union dues.
House Member and presidential candidate Tom Tancredo has called for enactment of a National Right to Work bill.
The Des Moines Register reports that Tancredo “voiced his support for such a law at an informal afternoon meeting with five members of the Professional Educators of Iowa….Tancredo, who worked as a civics teacher for eight years in Jefferson County, Colo., before entering politics, said he worked to form a group similar to PEI in his state. He encouraged PEI members to expand their group and continue their opposition to the ‘fair share’ legislation leading into next year’s legislative session.”
Hopefully, Tancredo’s support for workers choice will extend to the other candidates in the race as well. But in the meantime, kudos to Rep. Tancredo.
More members of Congress than ever before are cosponsors of federal legislation to repeal forced union dues.
UFW union officials gained power through “card check” and denied Porpiglia Farms workers secret ballot vote, now stonewalling employee request for union removal
Joe Biden is the most pro-forced dues President yet — but a President Harris could surpass him! (Credit: Facebook / TIME)…