Las Vegas Workers Score a Win Against SPFPA Illegal Dues
Las Vegas workers have won a settlement against SPFPA union officials where they must now pay back $4,200 that was illegally taken through forced dues.
Las Vegas workers have won a settlement against SPFPA union officials where they must now pay back $4,200 that was illegally taken through forced dues.
New Hampshire SEIU bosses seized dues from workers’ paychecks for years despite High Court warning that such seizures would face constitutional scrutiny.
AG employee Heather Anderson is suing the IBEW Local 33 union and the State of New Jersey for illegally restricting her and her coworkers’ First Amendment right to stop union dues deductions from their paychecks.
“The PERB should condemn these attacks on independent-minded teachers, and allow Gompers educators to have their long-overdue vote on whether to remove the union officials who are attacking the very educators they claim to represent,” added Mix.
Brief argues union boss schemes limiting dues revocations to short periods violate the High Court’s landmark Janus v. AFSCME 2018 decision
Three Sacramento-Yolo Mosquito & Vector Control District employees just received a favorable decision from a PERB Administrative Law Judge.
IOUE officials threatened United Rock Products workers’ jobs to extract dues for period before a monopoly bargaining contract had even been signed with their employer
End the union violence exemption! Support the Freedom from Union Violence Act (FUVA) by clicking here and signing the petition today! Iron Workers Local 395 Union attorneys argued that the incident should have been exempt from prosecution because of…
Gary Jones Plea Deal: “The root of this corruption was compulsion. Federal law gives union bosses the power to force workers under their so-called ‘representation’ against their will, and in states without Right to Work protections to force them to subsidize their activities or else be fired. Those dual coercive powers are what put UAW tyrants in a position to begin with that allowed them to sell out the rank-and-file so they could live large.