Big Labor Candidates Had Nowhere to Hide
Letters, Emails and Ads Let Pro-Right to Work Citizens Know Where Candidates Stood
If widely-cited American political prognosticators like Nate Silver (ABC News, FiveThirtyEight) and Steve Shepard (Politico) are correct, there is a strong possibility that, come January, a politician wearing a different party label will succeed union-label Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi (Calif.) as U.S. House speaker.
As of mid-August, FiveThirtyEight and Politico were both reporting there was a greater than 3:1 chance that the Republicans would pick up in November, at a minimum, the handful of House seats they need to hold a majority in the chamber and, presumably, elect a GOP speaker.
Since virtually all Democrat politicians in Washington, D.C., rely on forced-union- dues-funded support from Big Labor to get elected and reelected, and few GOP politicians are similarly beholden to the union brass, a partisan House switchover would affect the climate for Right to Work-related legislation.
For example, in all likelihood, a GOP takeover of one or both chambers of Congress would derail, for the time being, President Biden’s ongoing efforts to eviscerate every state Right to Work law on the books through enactment of Big Labor’s misnomered “Protecting the Right to Organize” (PRO) Act.
However, if history is any indication, any Republican House majority leaders installed in 2023 will be unlikely even to try to reverse the federal policies that currently force millions of workers to accept monopoly union “representation,” like it or not, and pay union dues or fees as a condition of employment.
Unlikely, that is, unless pro-Right to Work citizens across the country are mobilized at historic levels to put heat on Republican politicians to act.
“From 2011 through 2019, Republican Speakers John Boehner [Ohio] and anti-Right to Work Paul Ryan [Wisc.] called the shots in the House,” recollected Greg Mourad, vice president of the National Right to Work Committee.
“The last four of those years, the GOP had a majority in the Senate. And during the last two, Republican President Donald J. Trump occupied the White House.
“Unlike Speaker Pelosi, Speakers Boehner and Ryan were constantly attacked by the union political machine. All the same, they kept measures to repeal forced union dues and fees bottled up in legislative committee throughout all eight years they held power.
“Committee leaders, members, and supporters have not forgotten. And the goal now isn’t merely to forge a House and Senate that prevent union officials from accruing even more special privileges. Rather, the goal is a Congress with the gumption to ignore Big Labor cajoling and threats, and actually take away the coercive powers that union bosses have long wielded.
“The Committee’s federal Survey 2022 will be key in achieving this long-sought goal.”
Right to Work’s candidate survey program informs millions of freedom-loving supporters about where their candidates stand on coerced unionism.
As part of the program, hundreds of thousands of citizens are contacting candidates in close races to urge them to support forced-dues repeal and oppose further union boss power grabs like the PRO Act.
Mr. Mourad commented: “Unfortunately, as of late August, pro-Right to Work voters in dozens of key House battlegrounds like fence-sitting California GOP Congressman David Valadao’s jurisdiction in the San Joaquin Valley, or the open seat spanning the southern part of Oregon’s coast, still had no real choice.
“That’s because Republicans like Mr. Valadao and Alek Skarlatos, the GOP nominee in Oregon’s 4th, have so far refused, along with their Democrat opponents, to answer their Right to Work surveys.
“The same is true in a number of closely contested Senate races, including Pennsylvania’s and Colorado’s, where Mehmet Oz and Joe O’Dea have up to now been no more willing to pledge support for forced-dues repeal than the Democrat nominees.
“Of course, Committee members will keep working to change such fence-sitting candidates’ minds, right to up to Election Day. Right to Work’s success in this task can greatly enhance the effectiveness of our future legislative efforts to put an end to compulsory unionism.
“Mobilizing huge numbers of forced-union opponents through mail and advertising, as well as online, isn’t cheap. But it is incredibly important. In fact, these surveys form the core of the Committee’s lobbying program.”
This article was originally published in our monthly newsletter. Go here to access previous newsletter posts.
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Letters, Emails and Ads Let Pro-Right to Work Citizens Know Where Candidates Stood
Union bosses like the UAW’s Shawn Fain conscript workers’ money to bankroll candidates those workers oppose (Credit: C-SPAN). Union Households Lopsidedly…
More members of Congress than ever before are cosponsors of federal legislation to repeal forced union dues.