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NLRB Costing Jobs

NLRB Costing Jobs

House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy and Rep. Tim Scott recognize the devastating impact the NLRB and it's pro-big labor policies are having on job creation in the United States in an oped in Politico: The federal government’s attempt to shutter a new Boeing manufacturing plant in South Carolina will have a profoundly negative impact on thousands of hardworking Americans — and the state’s entire economy. Right now, South Carolina’s unemployment rate is 10.9 percent. This action also has broader implications about the role the Obama administration believes the federal government should play in private enterprise. The National Labor Relations Board is alleging that Boeing violated labor laws by locating its new 787 Dreamliner facility in North Charleston, S.C. For years, Boeing has operated predominantly in Washington state, where it has invested billions of dollars and created thousands of jobs. Now, one of the largest U.S. companies — which just invested nearly $1 billion and created more than 1,000 well-paying jobs in South Carolina — is entangled in what is sure to be a drawn-out legal process. They are being punished for investing in America. Boeing’s expansion to the Palmetto State did not cost a single union job back in Washington state. In fact, Boeing has added 2,000 jobs in Washington since opening its North Charleston facility. At a time when 14 million Americans are out of work, the federal government should be commending this private company for creating jobs — not punishing it. The NLRB’s action defies logic. This one case has the potential to disrupt the creation of more than 11,000 jobs (Boeing estimates 4,000 direct jobs and South Carolina estimates two created indirectly for every direct job) in South Carolina — which could support families and help pay mortgages.