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Membership Ballot Protects Your Free Speech

Membership Ballot Protects Your Free Speech

(Source: January 2011 NRTWC Newsletter) Right to Work corporate counsel Rich Clair has repeatedly had to go to FEC headquarters to try to dissuade FEC bureaucrats from denying to Committee members "true" membership status under federal campaign law. Your Signature May Stop the FEC From Trampling on Your Rights This month the National Right to Work Committee is providing supporters across the country with a much-needed opportunity to protect themselves, one by one, from Big Labor-friendly bureaucrats at the Federal Election Commission (FEC). Given FEC bureaucrats' long track record of bullying pro-Right to Work Americans who try to exercise their First Amendment rights, this is an opportunity you can't afford to pass up. Over the years, FEC lawyers have repeatedly buried Right to Work officers under mountains of harassing subpoenas about the Committee's survey program, which informs members which U.S. senators and congressmen support Right to Work -- and which ones don't. FEC's Biased Definitions Of 'Member' Have Been Rejected by Courts Starting more than a quarter-century ago, the FEC has tried to concoct rules that disqualify some or even all Right to Work members from "true" membership status. Many members would thus be denied a voice in the legislative process.