Businesses are Locating to Right to Work Waco, Texas
Two businesses that are being welcomed in by the state of Texas include Hello Bello and Envases Group. Both of these companies will be investing in a new location in Waco, so this will be good for the area’s economy. In fact when combined, these two will be creating over 220 new jobs.
Read on to find out more about each company’s investment!
Hello Bello:
“The City of Waco is [happy] to welcome Hello Bello to our community. This is an exciting announcement, primarily because of the 110 full-time, quality jobs and […] $31 million in capital investment. […]
“This announcement supports our positive projections for Waco’s economy[. It’s also] another example of a business embracing our aggressive, collaborative approach to economic development. Good jobs and investment like this represent another strong step towards the promise of a bright future and the opportunity of financial security for our citizens.”
“Our decision to establish this plant in Waco is the result of an extensive and thoughtful review process. Waco is an ideal location for Envases from a logistical perspective[…], from a quality standpoint[…], and from an accessibility perspective[…].”
“The addition of 120 full-time quality jobs and more than $100 million in capital investment will be beneficial for our community[…] Businesses like Envases opening new facilities in Waco bring the promise of a bright future for our local economy and the opportunity of financial security for our citizens.”