Simon Conway and Mark Mix tackle Big Labor Political "Gifts"
Talk Show Host Simon Conway and Right to Work President Mark Mix discuess the PRO Act, as well as other Biden Big Labor political "gifts".
Talk Show Host Simon Conway and Right to Work President Mark Mix discuess the PRO Act, as well as other Biden Big Labor political "gifts".
On Friday, Congressman Scott Perry (R-PA-10) introduced the Freedom from Union Violence Act (H.R. 5171) in the U.S. House of Representatives.
Mark Mix recently wrote an article in NewsMax, addressing the issues of how Union Bosses manipulate the system in order to push the PRO-Act Forward.
Mark Mix, president of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation and Committee, issued the following statement on the occasion of Labor Day 2021...
Stacy Washington and Mark Mix discuss Biden's so-called "Infrastructure" Big Labor Spending Scheme.
ational Right to Work Committee VP Greg Mourad went on "Mornings with Gail" on 1310 KFKA in Colorado to discuss the so-called "PRO-Act" and more.
Union supporter Bernie Sanders is trying to push the PRO Act to the top of the priority list by inserting it into a legislative package.
According to a new report by National Institute for Labor Relations Research (, big labor poured at least $1.8 billion in the 2020 Election cycle.
In today’s Deroy Murdock editorial at NewsMax, he writes that the PRO Act (S. 420) will obliterate Right to Work freedom across the United States. Murdock accurately points out that this is a well organized and staged “con job” that…