The PRO Act is being brought back up again in the House and Senate by Democrats under the argument that it will create a safer work environment through unionization. However, this will mean fewer freedoms such as being forced into a union, regardless of the state. It will also have detrimental effects on the economy by trampling on small businesses, lowering the number of jobs available, and forcing all workers to pay dues.
In an article posted by Bethany Blankley from The Center Square, National Right to Work Committee President Mark Mix speaks out on the subject matter:
Instead of calling the bill the PRO Act, it should be called the “Pushbutton Unionism Bill” because “it will make forcing workers into an unwanted union as easy as pushing a button.
“After Big Labor poured millions in forced-dues dollars into their campaigns last year, these politicians have put workers back in their sights at the behest of the union bosses that helped get them elected,” Mix added.