We have the latest Right to Work Iowa economic investments all right here for you! Two companies investing in Right to Work Iowa are Sub-Zero Group and Fair Oaks Foods. Sub-Zero Group will be locating to Cedar Rapids. Meanwhile, Fair Oaks Foods is locating to Davenport. Altogether, these two incredible companies will create 439 new jobs. So this is exciting news!
Sub-Zero Group:
Sub-Zero Group is investing $140.6 million in order to add a new facility in Right to Work Cedar Rapids, Iowa. This will also create 192 new jobs!
“We have reached the point that our three main sites are burgeoning and full, so we are seeking a new location to add to our footprint for the next leg of our journey. It’s just a phenomenal fit for us and you.” […]
“So many people are involved in an effort like this. […] Congratulations to all on this success. It demonstrates again the importance of constantly pursuing business attraction and business expansion projects to keep our economy marching forward.”
Fair Oaks Foods is investing $134 million in order to add a new location in Right to Work Davenport, Iowa. This will also create 247 new jobs!
“I am extremely excited to expand our business to the great city of Davenport. We look forward to a long-standing relationship with the QC community, the City and the State of Iowa. My dream is to build a long-standing ‘Legacy’ family business. The opportunity that the city has extended to us is the right fit, at the right time, for Fair Oaks Foods. It will be a great opportunity for our people to live and thrive in this region. We look forward to providing new jobs and opportunities for the community. Davenport is a great place for families, and I am proud to add the Fair Oaks Foods family to the state of Iowa.” […]
“Fair Oaks Foods prides itself on the relationships that it holds. We continue to build our Legacy through strategic partnerships that share our values of trust and integrity. This was one of the main pillars when we chose The Austin Company to guide us in our search for a location to support our growth. The search started with over 177 sites in the Midwest and ended in Davenport. This is a community that mirrors our values and work ethic, and we are excited to make Davenport home to our future growth.”