Right to Work Mississippi Welcomes New Businesses

Companies are choosing to locate to Right to Work Mississippi because it offers great economic benefits. The latest Right to Work Mississippi investments are coming from companies such as ArbaBlox, Rocket Lab, and New York Blower/KDS. Read on in order to learn more!


ArbaBlox is investing $51.34 million toward a new location in Right to Work Winona, Mississippi. This will create 41 new jobs!

“ArbaBlox is proud to announce its first composite pallet block manufacturing facility, to be located in Winona, Mississippi. We greatly appreciate all of the support from the community and MDA in helping make this exciting project a reality. We look forward to being a strong partner in the local community.”[…]

“Agriculture, forestry and wood products are top economic drivers for Mississippi, and companies are increasingly investing in our state and creating good jobs to capitalize upon the abundance of natural resources we offer. MDA is glad to support ArbaBlox as it opens its first pallet blocks manufacturing facility in our great state.” […]

“On behalf of Montgomery County’s Economic District and Economic Development, we are excited to welcome ArbaBlox to our community and to the State of Mississippi.”


Rocket Lab:

Rocket Lab is adding a new testing facility soon in Right to Work Hancock County, Mississippi. This will create lots of news jobs!

“Rocket Lab, in partnership with the state of Mississippi and NASA’s Stennis Space Center, is building technology that furthers our great state as a leader in space launch capabilities. Additionally, this project will further expand the crucial role our workforce has in future spaceflight.” […]

“Hancock County Port & Harbor Commission is excited to have Rocket Lab join us in Hancock County. As the cornerstone of Mississippi’s aerospace industry, we have the resources, the knowledgeable people and the industrial synergy to continue expanding frontiers and possibilities for humanity. The path to space truly runs through Hancock County.”


New York Blower/KDS:

New York Blower/KDS are investing $8.14 million toward a new facility in Right to Work Philadelphia, Mississippi, creating 60 new jobs.

“We look forward to our expansion into Mississippi and the opportunity to create quality jobs in Philadelphia.” […]

The New York Blower/KDS has been certified for the Advantage Jobs Rebate Program, which is designated for eligible businesses that create new jobs exceeding the average annual wage of the state or county in which the company locates or expands. […]

When established companies like New York Blower and KDS choose to locate in Mississippi, it demonstrates their confidence in our transportation systems, workforce and our quality of life. MDA is glad to support this project as it will help create a more vibrant community through its significant investment and creation of dozens of new jobs.”


To read the previous update on economic development in Right to Work Mississippi, click here.

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