With state’s struggling to make ends meet and the federal government proposing a taxpayer bailout for teachers, the teacher’s union in Milwaukee is doing its best to stiff the taxpayers by demanding insurance coverage for Viagra.
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With the district in a financial crisis and hundreds of its members facing layoffs, the Milwaukee teachers union is taking a peculiar stand: fighting to get its taxpayer-funded Viagra back.
The union has asked a judge to order the school board to again include Pfizer Inc.’s erectile dysfunction drug and similar pills in its health insurance plans…..State Rep. Jason Fields argues that the money could be better spent any number of ways — including saving jobs. “You’ve got to be kidding me,” said Fields, a Milwaukee Democrat. “The fact that is the point of contention is kind of frightening. What are our priorities? I’m all for love and peace. But almost 1 million dollars? And you go to court over this issue?”