The website Truth About PLAs has uncovered a letter from an AFL-CIO official showing the link between labor contributions and official actions by government officials promoting union-only hiring policies. The letter states:
“Organized Labor and the Democratic Party have by tradition supported each other over the last 72 years. In the past several months, however, this has not been the case in Prince George’s County. Labor has come under attack by Prince George’s County Democratic Party leadership in the form of disparaging statements made by the Chair and Vice Chair of the County Democratic Central Committee. This has disappointed and angered the members of the labor community. Also disappointing is the lack of public support, since October of last year, from other elected officials in the County. Many of you have been endorsed and been given money and support by labor unions. You reach out to Labor when you needed support and labor faithfully provided that support. Unfortunately, it appears that we cannot expect that support to be reciprocal.”