‘Every Single Project’ Is ‘Going to be Union’
Biden/Harris Boxes Out Union-Free Hardhats From Public Works
When asked, workers choose freedom, even union workers. In Frank Luntz’ recent poll, 80% of union members chose the Right to Work which allows individuals to freely choose whether or not to belong or pay fees to union.
Here is the question Luntz’ pollsters asked union members across the country and the results are above:
Please tell me whether you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statement: “Workers should have the right to decide whether to join a union. They should never be forced or coerced to join or pay dues to a union as a condition of employment.”
For the complete Frank Luntz – National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation 2010 Union Member Survey click here.
Biden/Harris Boxes Out Union-Free Hardhats From Public Works
While occupying the RNC podium this summer as a self-styled advocate for workers, Sean O’Brien actually has a long track record of bullying workers, union or union free, who stand in his way
Settlement includes requirement that GSU union inform 3,000+ MIT students of their right to refrain from paying for radical union political activities