Big Labor’s forced union dues and fees for politics comes under scrutiny
Fox News reports that the U.S. House Oversight and Government Reform Committee heard testimony from workers who are having their dues used for political objectives that they oppose.
“I feel like a prisoner to the union and its causes when I find that my union dues are going toward political purposes which I greatly oppose,” says Sally Coomer of Duvall, Washington.
And Terry Bowman, a UAW member in Michigan, echoes that view, saying, “My union was using my union dues to push a political agenda that I oppose.”
Rep. Darrell Issa, R-Calif., the chairman of the committee, said this is not an anti-union issue — but rather one of workers’ rights.
“Do workers and unionized organizations have a right to know more than they currently know?” he asked. “What it’s being used for, and whether in fact it has to be taken from them.”
There are millions of workers like Mr. Bowman and Sally Coomer who, too often, are not heard because of the power and money of the union bosses. We work everyday to ensure their voices are heard and will continue to push Congress to do something about this problem by enacting a National Right to Work law.