Labor Day: A Time to Celebrate Hard Workers, Not Big Labor

Reflecting on Labor Day 2022, Labor Day should be about celebrating the hard work and determination of America's Workers. Period.

National Right to Work Foundation and Committee President Mark Mix recently wrote an Op-Ed for the New York Post about the meaning of Labor Day, so we thought we’d share a few inspiring quotes from the article:

Labor Day should be about celebrating the hard work and determination of America’s workers. Every year, however, Big Labor and its allies in Congress and in statehouses across the country manipulate the holiday to portray as “pro-worker” their schemes that really empower union bosses at the expense of rank-and-file workers.

The truth is, central to Big Labor’s political agenda are more powers for union officials to wield against workers who won’t voluntarily affiliate with a union. Nowhere is this more apparent than in the actions of President Joe Biden’s administration. […]

Time and time again, union officials and their allies in the administration prioritize union-boss power even though it’s workers opposed to union affiliation whose rights are diminished. This vision is not pro-worker, and we certainly shouldn’t be celebrating it on Labor Day. […]

So this Labor Day, don’t buy into the union propaganda that pro-union-boss is pro-worker. Support Right to Work and respect workers’ individual rights to decide whether or not they want to affiliate with a union.


You can read the full article by clicking here.

If you have questions about whether union officials are violating your rights, contact the Foundation for free help. To take action by supporting The National Right to Work Committee and fueling the fight against Forced Unionism, click here to donate now.

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