As far as Big Labor is concerned, New Hampshire Governor John Lynch’s greatest moment in his last days of office was vetoing freedom with his veto of Right to Work legislation. The Foster’s Daily Democrat warns of an expansion of union power that could force more to bu so-called union ‘representation.” From
Democratic Gov. John Lynch is reported to have received a standing ovation during a AFL-CIO Labor Day breakfast.
Now, with the governor ceding way after four terms, voters will be looking to fill the post anew. In doing so, voters and this newspaper will be looking closely at the role unions will play in the next administration.
On the Democratic side, leading contenders Jackie Cilley and Maggie Hassan appear to be walking in Gov. Lynch’s footsteps when it comes to unions.
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[/media-credit]The question then is how beholden to the unions will Hassan or Cilley be, should either win in the Nov. 6 general election.
Based on the deluge of press releases leading up to Tuesday’s primary, it looks as if both might be willing to sign a blood oath to the union movement.
From the Cilley camp have come missives touting endorsements by the Professional Fire Fighters of New Hampshire, New England Police Benevolent Association, and the State Employees Association of NH, SEIU Local 1984 — just to pick a few quick ones.
From our pile of Hassan stuff comes endorsements from the New Hampshire chapter of the National Educational Association, International Association of Heat and Frost Insulators and Allied Workers Local #6 and New Hampshire Iron Workers Local 7 — again, just to pick a few.
Whether you are a union supporter or see them as part of the problem (as this newspaper does), such allegiance should be troubling, and taken into account before voting.
Unions have used their collective power of the forced buy to assure them an open door to the governor’s office, should that person be a Democrat. There, each of the unions mentioned above — and many more — will undoubtedly sing the same song regardless of their memberships’ wishes.
That is because New Hampshire is a “forced buy” state, thanks to the failure of Right to Work legislation.
A successful Right to Work bill would have allowed workers to defund union activities. It would have put the power of unions back in the hands of individuals — not union bosses.
The concern should Cilley or Hassan become governor lies in the direct pipeline unions will have into the governor’s office — a pipeline not as easily accessed by those who don’t buy union pablum.