Three companies are investing in Right to Work Arizona. These include CIS Global, LiveRamp, and Bonelli. CIS Global is expanding its headquarters in Tucson. Meanwhile, LiveRamp is adding a new location in Phoenix. Lastly, Bonelli has actually just finished building its headquarters in Mesa. Altogether, these companies will create 235 new jobs. So this is good news for the economy! It also just goes to show how Right to Work states support economic growth.
Read on to find out more about each investment.
CIS Global:
CIS Global is expanding their headquarters in Right to Work Tucson, Arizona. This will create 100 new jobs for the area!
“We are excited to welcome manufacturing leader CIS Global to Tucson. […] This project, the company’s first production facility in Arizona, builds on our state’s attractiveness for the data center industry and highlights the strength of Arizona’s robust regional supply chain. We thank the team at CIS Global for choosing to locate in Southern Arizona.” […]
“CIS Global is a world-leading supplier of power distribution units and intelligent network-managed solutions for fast-growth tech sectors. […] Headquarter operations […] create demand for support industries, which in turn attracts other companies. CIS Global’s headquarter expansion will have a ripple effect across the entire economy for years to come.”
LiveRamp is adding a new location in Right to Work Phoenix, Arizona. This will create 100 new jobs for those in the area.
“LiveRamp’s expansion into Greater Phoenix is another sign that Arizona is the place for technology. […] We’re grateful to the entire team at LiveRamp for choosing our state and bringing these skilled tech jobs to Arizona.” […]
“The fact that a California-based tech company sees opportunity and value in Greater Phoenix validates our efforts in building a strong and robust ecosystem. […] LiveRamp’s creation of a high number of jobs in an innovative industry provides residents with new career advancement prospects. We look forward to LiveRamp’s continued success as it establishes roots in-market.”
Bonelli Doors + Windows has just completed their move and now have their headquarters relocated in Right to Work Mesa, Arizona. This will create 35 new jobs.
“Bonelli Doors + Windows relocation further demonstrates Greater Phoenix’s value position and ability to meet the needs of the sector. […] Mesa continues to attract investment from notable companies and manufacturers, and we’re [happy] to welcome Bonelli Doors + Windows. We look forward to being a partner in the company’s continu[ing] success.”