The Latest Economic Developments in Right to Work Kansas
Companies choosing to invest in Right to Work Kansas include Eurofins Viracor and Goodyear Tire, as well as JTM Foods. Altogether, these companies will create 425 new jobs. So this is exciting news for the state’s economy! Read on in order to find out which businesses are adding new locations, and which ones are expanding.
Eurofins Viracor:
Eurofins Viracor has officially opened a new lab in Right to Work Lenexa, Kansas. This will also mean 235 new jobs!
“I’m proud that an innovative company like Eurofins Viracor has chosen to call Kansas home. […] Beyond providing 235 more Kansans with high-quality jobs, Eurofins Viracor will continue its crucial work to keep our nation safe and healthy.” […]
“Governor Kelly’s Kansas Framework for Growth specifically targets recruiting additional company headquarters and enhancing our state’s bioscience sector. […] Eurofins Viracor is the type of visionary company we want to attract to Kansas.”
Goodyear Tire is investing $125 million in order to expand in Right to Work Topeka, Kansas. As a result, this will create 40 new jobs!
“Our Topeka facility is integral to our operations. […] And this investment will help position Goodyear to continue to meet the evolving needs of our customers.” […]
“We have worked closely with Goodyear for nearly a year to make the case for this investment happening in Topeka. […] Building a robust Kansas economy through private sector investment is a top priority of Governor Kelly and this announcement shows that this focus is paying off for Topeka and our state.”
JTM Foods is investing $40 million in order to add a new location in Right to Work Wichita, Kansas. This will also create 150 new jobs!
“JTM Foods will be a great addition that will help bolster the food processing industry in Wichita and add to our unrivaled strength statewide. […] The Kansas Framework for Growth places a heavy emphasis on growing food manufacturing in our state, and today’s announcement by JTM is yet another example of our state’s unparalleled strengths rising to meet new opportunities for future growth.” […]
“The City of Wichita’s speculative warehouse abatement policy has been especially critical for our ability to recruit new companies. […] Our elected leaders’ visionary leadership has brought results with companies choosing Wichita for their investment, jobs, and opportunities.”